Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Hot Links!
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[ # ] Hot Links!
February 19th, 2007 under Hot Links!

What the fox is Jordan trying to sell here? – Dlisted
Rachel Ray Racist? – TMZ
Britney Spears MAD – Miz Monica Monroe
Hugh Hefner said no to someone? – ICYDK
Jennifer Aniston admits she got some work done – pop on the pop
What has Mary Kate been carrying around for a month? – Popbytes
Are Mariska Hargitay & Chris Meloni returning to L&O: SVU? – Variety
Dakota Fanning defends her mom and agent like 36 year old – Reuters
Vogue found a way to make Courtney Love look good – Celebrity Warship
Don’t upload Fox TV shows to YouTube or you will get sued – Australian IT
Who is actually pumping their own gas? – Ninja Dude



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