Heidi Klum was at Elton John’s Oscar party and she had a Sixteen Candles moment with Ross the Intern on The Tonight Show. Remember that scene where Sam gave Farmer Ted her underwear at the school dance and he went on to show them off in the bathroom? Well the supermodel sort of did the same thing when she gave the Celebrity Fit Clubber her underwear to give to Jay Leno right there on the dance floor instead of in a car. Now I have to wonder who went into the bathroom first with those panties…Ross or Jay? Either way whoever did there were a lot of boys who ran in to see the former-Victoria’s Secrets’ model’s undergarment!
BTW she really has balls for doing that. Although I am sure sadly due to the mirrored floor, we can tell that she doesn’t really have balls. And on that note, why Tori, why??? Why did she have to wear crotchless Spanx and tell and show that she was. I threw up in my mouth.