Want to see who that grew up to be then
Sky Showbiz (high school) and
WireImage (this year)
I totally didn’t get that was Renee Zellweger, could be because she wasn’t squinting in the picture. I actually watched her in Empire Records this morning, and I forgot she actually was in a movie I tolerated her in.
[ # 378019 ] Comment from Erika [December 14, 2009, 12:31 pm]
I don’t agree. I don’t think she would have work to make her look like she does now lol. Our faces can really change as we age. I look nothing like I did in high school and I actually was voted most photogenic on a runway show I did as a teen. I photographed beautifully. Now at 31 I am so unphotogenic it’s HORRIBLE I refuse to be photographed. Looks at Nicole Kidman and Jennifer Connelly… for ex their faces are completely dif from when they were young. Watch “The Labyrinth” with Jennifer Connelly she was 14 then and her face is very different today. It happens.