Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Guess who actually went to see Ruben Studdard in concert?
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[ # ] Guess who actually went to see Ruben Studdard in concert?
October 16th, 2007 under Guess who?

Want to see one of the people who actually went to see Ruben Studdard then

Clay’s Daily Double (check them out for more pictures of him)
What is so sad about those pictures is all the empty seats behind Clay, actually ha ha!
BTW Clay Aiken will be making his Broadway debut in Spamalot in January! Here is what Mike Nichols told Broadway World about Clay joining the show!

“Clay Aiken is amazing beyond that glorious voice,” Nichols said in a statement. “Turns out he is an excellent comic actor and a master of character. People will be surprised by his wide ranging talent, since the first impression is of great country charm and a singer to remember. This guy is not only a star, he is a lot more. We are lucky to get him for Spamalot.”

This is the perfect vehicle for Clay, hopefully this will be the first of many shows that he will be in! BTW who wants to go see him in the show with me?


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