Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Grey’s Anatomy is still seeing dead people
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[ # ] Grey’s Anatomy is still seeing dead people
August 12th, 2021 under Shonda Rhimes

Last season, Grey’s Anatomy brought back a lot of characters from their deaths like McDreamy, McSteamy, and O’Malley. Patrick Dempsey, Eric Dane, and T.R. Knight came to Merideth Grey while she was in a COVID-19 coma.

But then, at the end of the season, she woke up and recovered from coronavirus. Therefore, you would think they are done with dead people. They are not. Deadline is reporting that Kate Burton will reprise her role as Ellis Grey, Merideth’s dead mother, for a few episodes. She was last seen alive on the medical dramedy during the third season but has appeared in dreams afterward.

We don’t know how they will bring her back, but do we really care?

They should just cast Haley Joel Osment on the series and have him walking around the hospital saying, “I see dead people.” That is pretty much what the show has been reduced to.

Hopefully, a year from now, we can be saying, “I see a dead show” because it got cancelled.


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