Seriously? OMG! WTF? » George Michael’s careless encounter
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[ # ] George Michael’s careless encounter
July 22nd, 2006 under George Michael

News of the World investigators caught the singer red-handed and red-faced as he emerged from the bushes after cavorting with a pot-bellied, 58-year-old, jobless van driver.  When challenged George, 43, was wild-eyed and trembling. Trying to hide his face under a baseball cap, he screamed:  "I don’t believe it! F*** off! If you put those pictures in the paper I’ll sue!" Minutes earlier the one-time heart-throb had been lurking in the shadows at the notorious homosexual pick-up spot on Hampstead Heath.

George is a man with the world at his feet. He’s on the brink of a lucrative 50-concert comeback tour, which sold out in half an hour.  Yet he ignored all the risks and dangers to pull seedy Norman Kirtland.  The pair kissed and groped each other before going even further. It was all in a public place and totally illegal — just like the day in 1998 when George flashed at an undercover cop in a California park toilet. After the shock of being confronted by us, George stumbled to his flash Mercedes coupe, retrieved his keys from their hiding place on top of the rear wheel and roared off into the night — back to his world of showbiz, celebs and glitz.

George’s night of shame began just after midnight on Tuesday when he took a short drive from his Highgate house to the Hampstead home of long-term lover Kenny Goss. Five minutes later he drove to the nearby heath and spent two hours prowling around before hooking up with Kirtland. When confronted by our team, a shaken George desperately tried to justify his sordid secret quest for cheap, risky thrills, which friends fear is spiralling out of control and threatening his destruction.

In a sweat, the ashen-faced singer declared: "Are you gay? No? Then f*** off! This is my culture!" Then he claimed: "I’m not doing anything illegal. The police don’t even come up here any more. "I’m a free man, I can do whatever I want. I’m not harming anyone." "He’s just asking for serious trouble. One day he’ll be attacked in one of these dodgy late-night encounters. "It’s so sad to see a talented guy wasting himself like this."

News of the World 

WTF has happened to him?  


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