Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Gale Harold is out of the ICU!!!
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[ # ] Gale Harold is out of the ICU!!!
October 24th, 2008 under Queer As Folk

A week and a half after Gale Harold was seriously injured in a motorcycle accident, he is out of the Intensive Care Unit according to his rep.

“Gale Harold is out of intensive care and improving daily. A full recovery is expected. He thanks everyone for their good wishes.”

Here is to hoping and praying for a speedy recovery and he is back on the big and little screen real soon!
BTW please don’t think that above clip that was the last scene from Season 1 of Queer as Folk is inappropriate. I started watching the show about mid-way through the second season and rented the first season and got through it all in one weekend. When I got to that scene, I balled my eyes out (even today I still cry) seeing Brian Kinney sitting there with the bloodied white scarf he just gave Justin for his prom. No words were said and he was robbed of an Emmy nom for that scene. That is one of the most intense and powerful scenes I have ever seen on TV and solidified why I am such a huge fan of Gale Harold’s and why I have seen everything he has done including a bunch small independent films. And for those of you who never saw the amazing show Queer as Folk, Justin survived that night just like Gale Harold will survive this accident!


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