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[ # ] Flight flies into our homes this Tuesday!
February 3rd, 2013 under Denzel Washington, DVD

Flight is flying to your televisions this Tuesday and you are going to want to own it so you can watch it on Blu-ray/DVD whenever you want.
Denzel Washington star as “Whip” Whitaker, a pilot with an imperfect life outside of the cockpit and a perfect within it. On a normal flight from Orlando to Atlanta something goes terribly wrong and by some miracle Whip actually stops the plane from a completely deadly crash. Since the plane crashed, the NTBS has to do an investigation and Whip has to hide the fact that he was drinking and doing cocaine before the flight even though it didn’t impair him from landing the plane as safely as he did. His friend and now union rep, Charlie Anderson (Bruce Greenwood) and attorney Hugh Lang (Don Cheadle) are trying to do everything they can to keep him out of jail, but Whip keeps working against them. As his trial date gets closer, Whip learns a lot about himself but is it too little too late? You will have to buy the Academy Award nominated movie on Tuesday to find out.
The Blu-ray comes with the special features: Origins of Flight, The Making of Flight, Anatomy of a Plane Crash, Q&A Highlights. With these special features you will hear the interesting story how John Gatins came up with the idea for the screenplay and how Denzel Washington and Robert Zemeckis got involved with the film. We also learn how they made it and some of the major constraints they had with recreating the flying and airport scenes. I have to honestly say the information in these extras made me appreciate the movie even more.


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