Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Ellen DeGeneres’ crying plea is ignored
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[ # ] Ellen DeGeneres’ crying plea is ignored
October 16th, 2007 under Talk Shows

As you can see Ellen DeGeneres broke down over the dog whole situation. Ellen and Portia De Rossie rescued a dog from nonprofit called Mutts and Moms, but it did not work out with their cats. So they gave the dog to her hairdresser and her two daughters, but when the Mutts and Moms heard that she gave the dog to someone else she went to the families’ house and took the dog back. Leaving the poor girls heartbroken and Ellen heartbroken over the girls’ heartbreak. Today Ellen used her show to send a plea to Mutts and Moms, but according to the AP they will not be giving the dog back to the family.

Mutts and Moms owners Marina Batkis and Vanessa Chekroun were in possession of the dog and will not be giving it back, attorney Keith A. Fink told The Associated Press.
“She (Marina) is not going to give them the dog,” said Fink, who is not legally representing the owners but is authorized to speak on their behalf.
“She doesn’t think this is the type of family that should have the dog. She is adamant that she is not going to be bullied around by the Ellen DeGenereses of the world … They are using their power, position and wealth to try to get what it is they want.”
DeGeneres’ attorney, Kevin Yorn, did not immediately return a message seeking comment.
Fink said DeGeneres’ partner, actress Portia de Rossi, signed the agreement. DeGeneres originally said on her show that she (DeGeneres) had signed it.

Seriously how messed up is the head of that nonprofit. She should have kept the dog where it was and seen if the family was a good match instead of uprooting the dog from a happy home. Marina says that she does not allow small dogs to go to families with children under 14, wtf type of policy is that? Dogs are not only man’s best friends they are also kids’ best friend. Animals love kids, and this woman is depriving this dog a loving home. Hopefully someone else will take over this nonprofit and run it better and make sure dogs go to loving homes. When it comes to her saying she will not bullied by the Ellen DeGenereses of the world, I bet she was using the fact that Ellen adopted a dog from them as free publicity. Funders of this nonprofit need to stop giving them money until Marina is out of power, she is obviously not the right person to run Mutts and Moms.
Let’s hope Iggy is returned to the family loved him so much.


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