Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Do Keke Palmer and David Letterman have something to tell us?
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[ # ] Do Keke Palmer and David Letterman have something to tell us?
February 17th, 2025 under David Letterman, Do they have something to tell us?, Strahan, Sara & Keke

Keke Palmer shared a selfie with David Letterman, and they looked really cozy sitting next to each other at Saturday Night Live’s 50th celebration. How cozy? Like, do they have something to tell us?

According to Palmer, yes, they do. She wrote, “Say hello to Deke, or Kavid, yea that’s right we’re an item! We even share glasses now, there’s no going back #HadMeAtHello #WhoKnew #YouKnowItsYoGurl”

Can you imagine what their love affair is like? They are so different, she is loud and uninhibited, and he is quiet and reserved. She is young, and he is old. He hosted late night, and she hosted a daytime one. As they say, opposites attract, and let’s see them attract.


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