Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro previews tomorrow’s Rock Star Supernova
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[ # ] Dave Navarro previews tomorrow’s Rock Star Supernova
August 12th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

On to Rockstar stuff. Tomorrow we tape another Tuesday performance show. This time the remaining singers will be doing "stripped down" versions of their songs. Not totally acoustic, but pulled back arrangements that will really help highlight their voices. Some, like Ryan, Dilana and Magni, don’t really need a day like this as they have already taken it upon themselves to do raw performances. Lukas could really benefit from a stripped down song as he has yet to really be simple and direct with a vocal. His version of Creep was amazing and was the closest thing to stripped, but tomorrow (Tuesday) he will have even less rock power behind him from the House Band. One of the contestants will even be doing an original song. Smart move. It is definitely time for song writing chops to come into play on the main stage. This season is almost half over with only eight remaining. It is going by SO fast! It seems that some viewers tend to forget that this is an audition process. I just want to remind every one of that. The truth is that most of these singers perform better than most live working bands out there. Better pitch, more consistency and even better showmanship in most cases. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen some of my favorite bands sound like absolute garbage. So when you hear us on the couch being harsh or judgmental, remember that we are only helping fine tune these guys and girls. In fact, if anything, we are getting them ready for the onslaught of media twists that many of them will certainly face, more than anything else. The time is now to develop the thick skin and well, we are trying to help them build emotional calluses in addition to rating their performances. I suppose that what Supernova is looking for more than anything is the "X" factor we always hear about. The singer that not only sings well, but is compelling no matter the circumstances. I remember seeing Axl one night after having just gotten over losing his voice. He sounded sketchy, but man, could he put on a show. I would watch him like that over a perfect sounding Hootie any day!


This sounds like it will be a great episode and make or break some of the contestants. 


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