Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro on the final six Rock Star Supernova singers
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[ # ] Dave Navarro on the final six Rock Star Supernova singers
August 25th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Good morning from Toronto. We have another full day of press then we fly home to LA where I will actually have an entire day off to myself. I will more than likely do another Spread Radio Live show from my house tomorrow. As for the conspiracy theories on Rockstar, I find them very amusing and entertaining, but I can assure you that no such devices have been embedded in the show. There is so much work that goes into doing just one show with rehearsals, camera blocking, performances, song selection and all that there isn’t even time to consider injecting a conspiracy. Frankly, we went through all this last season. I remember how pissed off so many people were because they were convinced that it was all rigged so that Mig would win. Like, people got really angry at me, the show and all of our producers. In fact, I even got hate mail and flamed over it quite a bit. So to those who are suggesting the same types of ideas this season, all I can say is… Settle down. This is all as real as it gets. I have no idea who is going to take this thing and I don’t want to know. I enjoy finding out who is going home along with the live audience in the studio from week to week. On Sunday, I am going to try to say something about Dilana owning up to her mistakes before the performances, much like I posted here yesterday. As for her "range"… A lot of people are on me because they feel she has no range. I totally disagree, but even still, I can’t help think about Lou Reed’s range or even Mick Jagger’s. Not a whole lot of range going on there either, however, Mick is arguably one of rock’s most compelling front men. I, like you, have only heard two Supernova songs and it is hard for me to know exactly what it is they require vocally, but I do know that on the songs they have done, Dilana did very well vocally with hers and Toby killed it on his. I am personally looking forward to hearing Ryan and Lukas on a Supernova track. I was wrong last week about song selection. THIS is the week that they are doing songs selected by the online community votes. Perhaps we will find ourselves with better song choices and more enlightening performances as a result. At this point, all the remaining contestants are pretty strong and I have no idea who might go. My best guess would be either Toby or Storm, but only because I don’t see them in the top three at any time soon unless they really pull off something special this week. The bottom three this week will be half of the cast no matter what. It is really heating up! I know that we keep asking for that incredible moment during a performance. Know that we don’t expect a singer to be doing backflips throughout a show, we just want to know that the ability to pull it out when necessary is in them. As much as I would love to sit here and continue typing for another 20 minutes about stuff, I have to jump in the shower as Steve and I are going to do some acoustic stuff on Canadian morning TV and some radio on XM, followed by an interview at The Edge in Toronto. Traffic, The Panic Channel, weather, tips on making that holiday table center piece for a fraction of the cost and the latest breaking Canadian news.

6767 (thanks Becca!)

Mission let’s all go buy The Panic Channel’s cd because he has really been keeping us in the loop on the show and not many (name someone else) has done that! You go Dave Navarro!


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