Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro on last night’s and future eliminations
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[ # ] Dave Navarro on last night’s and future eliminations
August 10th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Well, for once I was half right. Jill AND Josh… On their way home! That only means one less week until the finale! For me, it’s hard to imagine some of these obviously talented singers being in THIS band. I think that all of them absolutely have talent, but some of those talents could be better served somewhere else. Like at a Starbucks. (J/K) Seriously, Supernova needs that undeniable rock front person and I do believe that a woman could definitely do the job. Also, I try to keep in mind that last year, everyone was on about Jordis and Mig and the game quickly shifted mid season. As I see it, Magni, Dilana, Lukas, Storm and Toby all have a shot. My money is on the next few weeks to look like this elimination wise: Patrice, Zayra & Ryan (even though I personally loved the whole new Ryan vibe last night). The truth is, that out of all the elimination days, I have only been right 1/2 (when Jill and Josh were sent home) a day out of all of them, so what the hell do I know? I’m just there to run the couch, chime in with an outsider’s perspective and move it along. I never saw the Josh thing coming today.


I agree with almost everything he said, but bad song choices can change everything.


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