Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro blogs about Jill and Zayra
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[ # ] Dave Navarro blogs about Jill and Zayra
August 9th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Another early morning here in LA. I am just about to go over to CBS and watch Supernova throw down the hatchet again. My prediction? (which so far, has always been totally wrong every time…) I am going to have to go with Jill, even though her performance last night was one of her best. She has just been consistently wrong for the band in my opinion. As you know, I have no vote in the matter so I am always just as on the edge of my seat as the audience when they deliver the final word. Zayra? Well, I have been saying that she needs to go for weeks now, but every time I think it is going to be her, I am shocked by a different decision from the band. Either way, she is definitely more entertaining than Jill, even if it is for all the wrong reasons. Jill is clearly a better singer but Zayra is for sure more fun to watch. Oh yeah, sure, a lot of people out there are upset about it because they think she is around only because of her sexy outfits, but I’m telling you, she would be just as interesting to watch if she came out wearing a gunny sack. I have said it before and I stand by it… If Zayra got going on a solo career and did a really tripped out artsy record a la Peaches or Bjork, she could have something. Jill, on the other hand, does have a great voice and could more than likely excel doing something else too… Commercial work, her own project, whatever. The fact remains that whoever wins this thing has to front Tommy, Jason and Gilby. I only see a few possibilities for that role. As for the show last night and the option to do The Who song with Gilby, I was absolutely shocked that more singers didn’t try to jump on that. A little insider info: Dilana claims she had never even heard that song before. I actually find that hard to believe, but if it is in fact true, it just goes to show you just how committed she is to take such a risk. Lukas? Well, he just destroyed it last night. I am glad to see him back on top with an entirely new side of his voice coming to the forefront. OK. If I don’t get the hell outta here, I am gonna be late. Peace and love to all of you…


I agree with him about Jill and Zayra, but I don’t get Dilana. I think last night was the strongest Rock Star Supernova show this season, but I still got bored during most of the performances. I think Magni deserves the encore spot, but it will go to Lukas!

BTW I started thinking this morning how cool it would be if they did a double elimination tonight.  


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