Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Dave Navarro bashes blogs that bashed him
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[ # ] Dave Navarro bashes blogs that bashed him
July 9th, 2006 under Rock Star: Supernova

Well, when you’re wrong you’re wrong… Or at least, when I’m wrong… I am way wrong! I was absolutely certain that Chris would be out last night. In my defense, never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined that Matt would choose to do a Duran Duran song to "save" himself! I still believe had he chosen almost ANYTHING else, Chris would have been packing his things. Frankly, I was less impressed with his Doors performance than I was with Matt’s DD performance, but come on, at least play the right game. Matt basically brought a catcher’s glove to a poker table. He had to go.
I have been having a lot of fun reading all the online press about the show. I am amazed by the fact that Reality Blogs and critics spend so much time trashing us. If you think about it, they spend way more time in Rockstarland than the average viewer does. They watch it, write about it, watch again, recap and then go on about how we are "too nice" or that we are whores. HAHAHAHA!!! (At least I am writing about something that I am actually doing.) As for the critics that call us whores, we aren’t the ones getting paid to spend hours on something we don’t enjoy! I mean, who is the real whore here? We love what we do. We are having a blast. Honestly, you would think that we are having auditions for cardiologists that haven’t finished Med School to perform open heart surgery. I mean, lighten up a bit! This is just a group of guys that want to make a band. It is "entertainment" not art. A TV show. The art hopefully comes when they get in the studio, write, record and take it out on the road. As for being "too nice"… Well, the truth is that with Rock, you can’t really teach it. It comes from the heart. Even if you suck, you can really mean it. So we try to give helpful criticisms when possible. With a pop show, you can say, "Change your hair, work with a song writer, get a stylist, take vocal lessons, etc…" I’m sure a lot of them are totally passionate about what they do, but in my opinion it’s not the same. I find it to be more packaged and sellable than anything else, but hey, if it makes some people happy to listen to stuff like that, God bless them. With rock however, it’s not about that. Lou Reed is an all time favorite of mine, but if he sang on a show like this as a young struggling artist and got butchered, we could have potentially lost out on his huge impact on rock culture. OK… Yeah, I know… He NEVER would have done that… I’m just saying.

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First off, wow he can read! Second Duran Duran will go down in history books as the band who really launched music videos, Navarro will go down in history as one of the men married to Carmen Electra. What and ever Dave Navarro.


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