Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Contest Time!
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[ # ] Contest Time!
December 23rd, 2008 under Contests

Contest 1: Enter to a win a A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! DVD!!! All you have to do is E-Mail me the answer at [email protected] to "What holiday is Stephen Colbert celebrating in this special?" by December 25th with your name and address! A winner will be selected at random!
Get even more Stephen Colbert holiday goodness with “A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!” DVD featuring bonus materials such as a book burning Yule log, video advent calendar, alternate endings and more. A portion of the proceeds will benefit the charity, Feeding America.
“A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All!” is an original musical holiday special in which Colbert is on his way to perform with Elvis Costello in New York City but is trapped in his cabin in upstate New York (bear country). Luckily, his friends Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend, Willie Nelson and Jon Stewart stop by to help him celebrate the season.
Songs performed on “A Colbert Christmas” include:
* “Another Christmas Song” – Stephen Colbert
* “Have I Got A Present For You” – Toby Keith
* “The Little Dealer Boy” – Stephen Colbert and Willie Nelson
* “Can I Interest You In Hannukah?” – Stephen Colbert and Jon Stewart
* “Nutmeg” – Stephen Colbert and John Legend
* “Please Be Patient” – Feist
* “There Are Much Worse Things To Believe In” – Stephen Colbert and Elvis Costello
* “(What’s So Funny ’bout) Peace, Love And Understanding” – Stephen Colbert, Elvis Costello, Feist, Toby Keith, John Legend and Willie Nelson
A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All! DVD is available now as the perfect stocking stuffer!!!

Contest 2: Enter to a win Robin Thicke and ABBA slotMusic Players!!! All you have to do is E-Mail me the answer at [email protected] to "Which ABBA album is featured on their slotMusic Player?" by December 25th with your name and address! A winner will be selected at random!
slotMusic players are the hottest music gift this holiday season. So what exactly is a slotMusic player?
slotMusic cards enable consumers to instantly and easily enjoy music from their favorite artists without being dependent on a PC or internet connection. Users simply insert the slotMusic card into their microSD-enabled mobile phone or MP3 player to hear the music – without passwords, downloading or digital-rights-management interfering with their personal use.
slotMusic cards will be bundled with a tiny USB sleeve ensuring seamless interoperability with all computers – Windows, Linux and Mac. The upshot is that slotMusic will enjoy an unparalleled, pre-existing install base at launch: hundreds of millions of multimedia-phones, virtually any computer with a USB connector and a growing number of in-car sound systems will be able to play slotMusic cards.
Robin Thicke and ABBA are only two of the many artists who embraced the latest advancement of music! Who wouldn’t want to get Robin Thicke’s Something Else and Abba’s Gold slotMusic players wrapped up this season?


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