Seriously? OMG! WTF? » CBS will try to provide closure for us Jericho fans
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[ # ] CBS will try to provide closure for us Jericho fans
May 20th, 2007 under Jericho


Below is a statement from CBS Entertainment:

To the fans of Jericho:

We have read your emails over the past few days and have been touched by the depth and passion with which you have expressed your disappointment. Please know that canceling a television series is a very difficult decision. Hundreds of people at the Network, the production company and the incredibly-talented creative team worked very hard to build and serve the community for this show — both on-air and online. It is a show we loved too.

Thank you for supporting Jericho with such passion. We truly appreciate the commitment you made to the series and we are humbled by your disappointment. In the coming weeks, we hope to develop a way to provide closure to the compelling drama that was the Jericho story.


Nina Tassler, President of CBS Entertainment

Jericho Wiki 

I would rather they bring the show back then just try to give us one night of closure. And I bet you that Kid Nation, the show that got Jericho's time slot, will be the first one canceled. I still can't express in type how p!ssed I am that CBS canceled this show. It was slow moving show that made you ponder the scenario, and that is what I liked the show. Not everything has to move in rapid speed like the CSIs and Law & Orders. Dang you CBS.


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