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Didn’t Zoe Saldana just have twins?
February 22nd, 2015 under Zoe Saldana. [ Comments: none ]

via Good Morning America
On November 27th, Zoe Saldana became a mom to twin boys and today she walked Oscars red carpet. Even though Cy Aridio and Bowie Ezio Perego aren’t even three months old, you’d never know their mom carried them by the way she carried herself in that gorgeous pale pink dress on the red carpet. The only thing that shows she is a new mother, is the fact that her boobs are a little bigger now!
Whether she had two babies three months ago or not, the Center Stage actress looks absolutely gorgeous. She truly is an ’80s movie and Pretty in Pink!


Zoe Saldana learns pole dancing while pregnant isn’t easy!
September 20th, 2014 under Zoe Saldana. [ Comments: none ]
Zoe Saldana may have made ballet look easy in Center Stage, but she makes pole dancing while pregnant look difficult. Because it was so hard for her, she made it look so cute. Which is exactly what she is.


Zoe Saldana and Kate Bosworth are so juvenile
July 15th, 2010 under Kate Bosworth/Orlando Bloom, Zoe Saldana. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sometimes I watch a FunnyOrDie video and I can’t believe how stupid it is, this is one of those of those videos. So why post it? Even though it was so juvenile, I still found myself laughing a few times. I just think I would have liked it more if Janeane Garofalo wasn’t it, she is just so repulsive to me.
Oh another reason to watch it is because of Jason Lewis and Victor Webster looking all sexy in it at the end of it. And for you boys Zoe Saldana and Kate Bosworth looking hot the whole way through.


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