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Pat Sajak is willing to buy his Daytime Emmy Award!
May 22nd, 2020 under Emmys, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Pat Sajak is nominated for Outstanding Game Show Host, and he will do anything to win his third Daytime Emmy Award in that category.

Don’t believe me? Here is what the Wheel of Fortune host wrote on Twitter, “To Daytime Emmy voters: The last time I won was 1998. I’ve been nominated again this year, but who knows how many years I have left? So I’ve made a decision: I’m willing to pay handsomely for your vote. Please contact me through my representative. You won’t be sorry. #1More4Pat.”

Considering he is 73 years old, he might be right. However, the odds are stacked against him because he is nominated along with Alex Trebek, Wayne Brady, Alex Trebek, Steve Harvey, Alex Trebek, Alfonso Ribeiro, and Alex Trebek. I will take, who actually thinks he has a chance of winning against Alex Trebek? Ah, that is why Sajak wants to buy the award, and I lost on Jeopardy.

To see if his evil plan worked, tune into CBS on June 26th to watch the awards show.


Andy Richter needs to be on Wheel of Fortune all the time!
February 7th, 2020 under Conan O'Brien, Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: 6 ]

We are used to seeing Andy Richter be PG-13 on Conan. However, on Wheel of Fortune, he is all NC-17. No matter what the clue is on the game show, he finds a way to see the word f*ck. You know what, he is not alone. I see it too.

Personally, I wish that the show was not all about being family-friendly, and had some clues like “chasing tail.” If Family Feud can do it, then why can Pat Sajak and Vanna White. I am sure they would enjoy the answers being a little bit naughtier. It would add some spice into their lives, and ours too. Don’t we all need it?


If only Wheel of Fortune answers were this naughty!
January 31st, 2020 under Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Marie went into the bonus round of Wheel of Fortune, thinking she had a chance of winning the grand prize. Therefore, she picked the category What Are You Doing? Even though she picked out the popular letters G, M, F, and A to go with the free letters R,S, T, L, N, and E, only the A, N, and G were on the board.

What could the phrase be? She thought it was “chasing tail,” but it was not. It was something you do after you catch some, and that is “kicking back.”

If it was her guess, then imagine how much higher their ratings would be! I would watch to see what the contestants have to guess next. Wouldn’t you?


Does Vanna White to host full time?
January 15th, 2020 under Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Back in November, Pat Sajak was rushed to the hospital for emergency surgery. While he was recovering, Vanna White went from letter turner to host on Wheel of Fortune.

Now, that Sajak is back after a month off, he wanted to know if she wants to host more often. Without hesitation, she told him, “No!” Much to his relief.

That is a shame because she did a great job. However, I can understand why she doesn’t want to do it. Not everyone wants to be the boss and deal with all of that pressure.


Vanna White was ‘petrified, terrified’ to host Wheel of Fortune
December 6th, 2019 under Wheel of Fortune. [ Comments: none ]

Last month, Pat Sajak was rushed into emergency surgery for a blocked intestine. Since the show must go on, the producers asked Vanna White to fill in as the host. Next week, will we see her go from turning letters to turning on the charm with the contestants.

Today, she talked to Good Morning America about changing jobs for the first time in 37 years. That is right, she and Sajak had never not done a show together in 37 years until this happened. You would think, after all of that time, she would have learned a thing or two from her friend. It turns out; she told T.J. Holmes, “I don’t pay attention to Pat.” Not only that, she says she only turned the wheel three times before she had to. If I worked on that show, I would spin that wheel every day. I do not know how she was not tempted to do the same.

White says that hosting was challenging because “I had to be aware of everything that’s going on. Where before, all I had to worry about was letters. Now, I have to carry the whole show.”

A show she does not want to do without her partner of 37 years. She cannot imagine doing it without him. That and White has a whole new respect for him. She hopes he feels the same way. Since their relationship last lasted longer than a lot of Hollywood marriages combined, I am sure he feels the same way. If he didn’t, then they would have gotten a divorce a long time ago.

Sajak, who is now back at work, was off for three weeks to recover, and White hosted the whole time. I do not know about you, but I will be tuning in to see how she does. That and I really want to know who turned all the letters in her absence. It looks Minnie Mouse did the first episode. I am curious if she did the rest.

Which makes you wonder how their contract negotiations will go for them when they are up in 2022. They can say to her, “Your job is so easy even a mouse could do it.” They will say to him, “Your job is so easy, even a letter turner can do it.” Then they will say to them, “Yes, but it will be hard for them to have our lasting appeal and chemistry.”


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