The many faces of Sam Rockwell |
October 10th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Sam Rockwell was promoting his new movie and by the looks of it he was do so like the name of the movie…with Conviction. I love how expressive his face was as he answered questions about the movie that also star Juliette Lewis and Hilary Swank!
The many faces of Juliette Lewis! |
October 6th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: none ]

Juliette Lewis came out to the premiere of her new movie Conviction and dare I say it she actually looked beautiful. Normally she tries to stand out by wearing her own unique style to events, but yesterday she wore a dress I would wear. Everything about her was not only normal, but it also made her look like the gorgeous movie star that she is!!!
The many faces of Ed Norton! |
September 30th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Ed Norton was promoting his new movie Stone yesterday and boy did his hands have a lot to say about it. I know I called this post the many faces of, but I am thinking it should be the many hand gestures of Ed Norton. Who knew he talked so much with hands?
BTW why hasn’t he won an Oscar yet because he is one of the most talented actors of his generation.
The many faces of Sylvester Stallone! |
September 26th, 2010 under The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Sylvester Stallone is in Tokyo to promote his movie The Expandables, and his face looks like it is living up to the movie’s title.
BTW he looks so uncomfortable in that last picture sitting in a chair that wasn’t made for a man of his size.
The many faces of Matt Bomer! |
September 24th, 2010 under Matt Bomer, The Many Faces of. [ Comments: 1 ]

Matt Bomer was promoting his hit USA show White Collar yesterday and he looked so sexy doing so! I will be honest the only reason why I posted this is because I love the way his face looks, so I figured I would share it with you to brighten your Friday!
BTW we have to January for the show to return which means 3 months to find out if Mozzie is alive or not.
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