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George Lopez loves himself!
April 2nd, 2010 under George Lopez, Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

For some reason George Lopez got a wax statue of himself at Madame Tussaud’s in Hollywood. As you can tell in these pictures he loved his wax statue, he really loved his wax statue. In all the times I have seen pictures of celebrities with their wax look-alikes, I never seen any of them kiss them like George Lopez did. There is just something so icky and so wrong about it.


Ever wondered what happened to Conan O’Brien’s ex-employees?
March 4th, 2010 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: 2 ]

So remember how generous it was that Conan O’Brien made sure that his former employees were taken care of when he decided to leave his show? Well now we can see what he got with the $12 million they got…he gets them to continue working for him. The soon-to-be-again talk show posted this picture on Twitter of them helping him come up with the Tweet of the Day and here is what they came up with for Conan O’Brien…”This is how many people it took to write today’s tweet: “Jumbo” shrimp? WTF!!” You know what in those 14 words, he was funnier than anything Jay Leno has said since he returned to The Tonight Show.


NBC ends its failed experiment tonight
February 9th, 2010 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

About 14 months NBC announced that they were (making the huge a$$ mistake of) moving Jay Leno from The Tonight Show at 11:30p and giving him his own weeknight show at 10p and today that show will air its last episode in that timeslot. NBC thought they would revolutionize TV, by bringing late night TV to primetime and all they did was destroy their affiliate and most of their shows’ ratings. So last month with their tails between their legs, they announced their failure and cancelled The Jay Leno Show. Tonight will be the last time Jay will be in primetime because after the Olympics the Indian Giver will be going back to the 11:35p timeslot. It will be interesting to see if he will be #1 again like he was before the failed NBC experiment or will Letterman be remain the new late night king. Personally I am hoping Jimmy Kimmel takes that title away from both of those dinosaurs, but sadly I don’t think will happen anytime soon…:(


Steve Harvey’s Family Feud
January 20th, 2010 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: 1 ]

(photo from WireImage)

Steve Harvey gets a new job, he is taking over for John O’Hurley as the host of Family Feud next season according to Broadcasting and Cable. I don’t know what is sadder that Family Feud asked Steve Harvey to host the show, or that he said yes? Seriously who knew this show was still on the air?


Kiefer Sutherland gets DRESSed up for David Letterman
January 13th, 2010 under Kiefer Sutherland, Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Kiefer Sutherland got all ‘dress’ed up to appear on The Late Show with David Letterman as in he wore a dress. So why did the action star dress try a new look for the night? Well he lost a bet to his now ex-friend that if New England lost he would wear a dress on the show. Let’s hear it for the Baltimore Ravens…Go Ravens!!!
Maybe he wouldn’t have been so embarrassed about wearing that sea wgreen frock, if he picked a prettier one that was a little more flattering to his figure! BTW I love how he knew just how to work the dress so we wouldn’t get an upskirt. Well I wouldn’t have minded an upskirt, but I love how hard he worked so that we didn’t get one.
Can I tell you guys I am so happy I saw the first 4 hours of 24 for this season that premieres on Fox this Sunday at 9p before I watched this interview because I think it is going to take me that long to get over that image of him.
BTW it was nice to post something from a late night show that was about the NBC changes to them.


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