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Jay Leno bashes Comcast in his monologue
August 21st, 2012 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Over the weekend news broke that The Tonight Show was forced to layoff around 20 employees and that Jay Leno had to take a paycut. Yesterday during his monologue he confirmed the news by saying, “Welcome to The Tonight Show or as Comcast calls us The Expendables.” He then went on to say that being #1 in the ratings is frowned upon at NBC, you know because they are doing so bad in the ratings during primetime. But my favorite dig that he made towards his bosses is when he said he knew something was up when he found a peacock head in his bed. That one I liked.
When it comes to the layoffs, I don’t understand why he didn’t take a bigger paycut to keep all of those employees because he has said time and time again that he doesn’t touch the money he makes off of the show. Instead he lives on the money he makes from doing comedy gigs on his time off. Which is hefty amount of green.
BTW when I heard about the layoffs and his paycut, my initial reaction was that Comcast was Team Coco.


Kelsey Grammer strips for Jay Leno
August 15th, 2012 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Kelsey Grammer was on The Tonight Show yesterday and Jay Leno asked him about his new tattoo. So Frasier stood up and lowered his pants and showed the ink he got for his wife Kate on his hip. Really I am not sure I need to see that. Especially because it kind of looks like he manscapes and that is not something I ever wanted to imagine. Another thing I didn’t want to picture is what it must be like for his wife every time she goes down on him to her name right there. I don’t know if I would want to stare at my name while I am giving a guy oral. A money sign yes, my name no!


Steve Carell has a problem with lunch-meats
June 18th, 2012 under Steve Carell, Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Steve Carell is on The Tonight Show tonight and he told Jay Leno that the word “lunch-meats” makes him cringe and he considers it offensive. He didn’t say why and I can’t figure out what is so bad about. Unless he had issues with bologna sandwiches when was kid? It isn’t like the cold cut smells bad and I am sure with his schnoz he a bad smelling meat could make you cringe.


Katie Couric’s promo looks like one of the pill ads
June 14th, 2012 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

You know those pill ads that lists 101 hazardous side effects like death, but they make the person appear happy as they are doing their normal routine outside at the park and such? Well that is what the promo to Katie Couric’s new talk show reminds me of and with just as many hazardous side effect.


Late night stars before they could stay up that late
June 8th, 2012 under Talk Shows. [ Comments: none ]

Before people were getting Jimmy Kimmel and Jimmy Fallon confused, people knew which Jimmy was which. Before Jay Leno stole Conan O’Brien’s Tonight Show, the red head was stealing teenage girls’ hearts. Before Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert were reliable sources for hard news, they couldn’t care about what was happening in the world. And above is how they looked when the time their shows come on was actually their curfew times if they were lucky enough for their parents to let them stay out so late.
Snakkle posted pictures from the late night talk show hosts’ high school years books and it interesting which ones look different and which ones looks the same. Seriously how awwwdorable was Conan back then? And Fallon was such a cutie. Leno looks the same except back then he had a full head of black hair. I think Jon Stewart and Jimmy Kimmel are duking it out for Most Improved. Finally Stephen Colbert was definitely Most Likeble, kind of like now.
Who was your favorite from back then?


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