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Even Ralph Macchio hates the new Karate Kid!!!
January 20th, 2009 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: 1 ]

The only Karate Kid, in my eyes, has spoken out to MTV about the stupid idea that they are remaking the movie that made him a superstar and he like me wants to wax off the film!

"It feels pretty good that some people are pretty angry that they're trying to remake The Karate Kid.. it feels good that the public feels you don't touch certain things. Some times you go back to that well, and probably shouldn't.''

“From my personal view, the filling the void of what Mr. Miyagi was – and the magic of that character – is going to be the toughest task."

Macchio however did have some words of praise for 11-year-old Jaden. "Listen, here’s my take on it. I think Jaden – you know, Will Smith’s kid – the kid’s got chops. He’s young; he’s like eleven…That story will work forever, when well-told. So, it makes sense in that respect.”

Let's hope that the right people hear us angry fans and don't make the new Karate Kid movie, but since Will Smith's name is attached sadly we will be stuck with this movie that will destroy the Karate Kid name. And from the sounds of the plot of the remake, it has very little to do with the Ralph Macchio classic. So I say scrap the Karate Kid name and just make a stand alone karate movie.

BTW Ralph Macchio is at Sundance promoting his upcoming movie Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Undead which I can’t wait to see him in.


Jackie Chan as Mr Miyagi?
January 14th, 2009 under Jackie Chan, Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: 6 ]

(photo from WireImage)
Jackie Chan is very close to teaching Jaden Smith how to wax on wax off in the new Karate Kid movie according to The Hollywood Reporter. While I think his casting is a good move, I stilll think the movie is a bad idea. It doesn't really sound like the original, so I just don't understand why they don't just do it as a karate movie instead of clinging on to the Karate Kid name.

Adam Shankman to destroy Bye Bye Birdie
January 6th, 2009 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: 3 ]

I am trying to Put On A Happy Face over the news that Adam Shankman is going to remake Bye Bye Birdie according to The Hollywood Reporter. Shankman needs to concentrate on doing Step Up 3: Going to Crap and Hairspray 2: You Should’ve Stopped the Beat and not destroying a classic that should stay as one. Hollywood, What’s the Matter with Hollywood Today…stop the remakes please.


My Bloody Valentine 3D actually looks good!!!
December 22nd, 2008 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: 4 ]

OK! This movie had me Jensen Ackles, but I was hesitant to give it a second look because it was a remake. But after seeing the trailer for My Bloody Valentine 3D, I actually have to admit the movie looks like it could be really good. I think I will opt to see the movie in 2D though on January 15th because I hate 3D glasses.


Romancing the Stone and They Live being destroyed, I mean remade
December 4th, 2008 under Stupid Sequels/Remakes. [ Comments: none ]

Hollywood is running out of ideas, so instead of trying something new they are remaking Romancing the Stone according to The Hollywood Reporter. No other details are know like how bad it will be or if former roommates Michael Douglas and Danny DeVito will be in it. Seriously the only thing they can do to save this uneeded remake is to have Danny DeVito reprise his role.
THR also reporting that They Live is also set to be destroyed by being remade.

Make it stop…please, please, please.


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