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Believe it or not, Ben Affleck has a bigger head than Jon Hamm!
May 9th, 2014 under Ben Affleck, Jon Hamm, Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Jon Hamm was on Late Night yesterday and Seth Meyers reminisced about their time together on Saturday Night Live. Then the Mad Man then told him that he has a really big head and when he was on SNL, he asked the hair and makeup people if he has the biggest one that they ever had on the show that’s been on for like ever. To his surprise he found out there was someone who had a bigger head than he does. That man is his The Town co-star Ben Affleck. I wonder of if Affleck’s other head is also bigger than Hamm’s??? C’mon you were thinking the same thing and you know it.


Late Night’s Grown Up Annie is still better than what Will Smith did to her
April 24th, 2014 under Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Yesterday, I was driving around listening to the soundtrack from the 1982 movie Annie (I swear I was) and I was thinking how fully dressed I was with that big smile on my face that the music from it gave me. I tried to block out that in a few months, Will Smith is destroying the classic with his remake of the musical. I was successful.
That was until today, when I saw that Seth Meyers did a bit a on Late Night yesterday with the Little Orphan all grown up. The sweet little girl, is not so innocent any more. As bad as she is now, this bit was actually good.
Even though it was good, it still tainted a little piece of my childhood.


North West peed on her daddy!
March 26th, 2014 under Seth Meyers, The Kardashians. [ Comments: none ]

Kim Kardashian was on Late Night yesterday and she talked to Seth Meyers about being on the cover of Vogue. She let the NBC late night host in on a behind the scenes secret, cute little North peed on her topless dad during the photoshoot. I am assuming she learned how to do that from watching her mom do that to her dad…


Seth Meyers replaced on Late Night by Sir Ian McKellen after a week?
March 1st, 2014 under Seth Meyers, Sir Patrick Stewart/Sir Ian McKellen. [ Comments: none ]

Sir Ian McKellen and Sir Patrick Stewart were on Late Night with Seth Meyers yesterday. Well Gandalf told the NBC host that he thinks it would be cool to have his own late night show, so Meyers let him switch seats with him.
Now I am not saying that Seth did a bad job after his first week (because I was impressed) on Late Night, but I would watch the two Sirs every night of the week over everyone else if they had late night talk show together. Seriously, imagine how awesome it would be because what can’t these two men do to win our hearts?


Seth Meyers didn’t realize he got Late Night when he got the call
February 24th, 2014 under Seth Meyers. [ Comments: none ]

Tonight at 12:37a Seth Meyers takes over Late Night on NBC, and recently at the NBC TCA Winter Press Day he talked to us about how he found out he got the job. Well, he didn’t exactly realize he would be hosting the show when he first got the call. You see, when I asked him how it all happened, he told me, “I might not be the right person to answer you.” Then he explained, “I was on the road, doing a show, in like Iowa, I was staying in a weird hotel, and Lorne (Michaels) called me because it had been printed that I was a frontrunner for this job.” Then he added, “I don’t know if any of you have had the chance to speak to Lorne Michaels, but he has a way of being cryptic and cyclical, and by the time I got off the phone, it took another month for me to realize, he told me I should do this.”
So how has he been prepping for tonight’s premiere episode? Leading up to the debut, he has been sitting down with the writers (who for most of them this is their first late night job) and getting to know them as they get to know him. They have also been doing two weeks of practice shows getting ready for the big night. Then he added this about all of the preparation he’s been doing, “Knowing by the way that after the first show it will just go into the garbage and we’ll start over.”
You see this is advice he got from his boss, Lorne Michaels, who told him, “Everyone thinks the preparation is about today to the first show, but really it is about the first to the second show because this is a job you do in 23 hours.” He also received some wise words from the man who had the job before him, the biggest advice Jimmy Fallon has given him, “is you just have to be patient with things like this. You won’t know what the show is on the first night, you’ll have a better sense in 6 months, a better sense in a year. So just try to approach it with the same integrity week in and week out.”
And guests with integrity would be his ideal gets. When I asked who he would like to book on the show, he told me, “Hillary Clinton would be great. I would love the sort of people that are big political players who have a lot of influence of what is going on in the world.” Then he concluded that thought with, “But we are sort of open to everybody.”
So is he nervous about tonight? A month ago he said, “He is “51% excited for the show and 49% nervous.” I am sure those numbers have stayed the same and I also am sure he will do a great job tonight, and tomorrow when we see a completely different show, and so on.
Even though he has known about this job for as long as it takes to make a baby, you are not prepared for that child until it is born and then parenting changes every day. That is how I think Late Night will be for him, but after he changes a few diapers and downs a few bottles, he will have this whole late night thing figured out. I know I will be watching him grow from an infant to a toddler to a teen and eventually someone who is old enough to stay up and watch his show.


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