Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Nicole Richie
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Should Nicole Richie be allowed to hike on windy days?
June 4th, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

Nicole Richie went hiking on a windy day in the Hollywood Hills with a friend yesterday and as you can see from the picture she had to hold on to him so she wouldn't fly away. OK I am exaggerating, but it works no?

Nicole Richie needs a chauffeur ASAP
May 31st, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

Two days after getting in a fender bender with Joel Madden's car and smashing the bumper, she got a parking ticket and overheated it. And we can't forget about her two past DUI arrests, one in which she drove the wrong way on the 134. Seriously if anyone besides Lindsay Lohan could use a chauffeur it would be her. I am sure daddy would give her the money to get one, since we all know she can't ask her mom for it. I even think Joel Madden would get her one, at least he should if he wants to have a car when he gets back from touring.
BTW I almost captioned this, Joel Madden's car does a Nicole Richie and overheats. 

Karma catches up with Nicole Richie
May 29th, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

In Touch Weekly obtained this invite that Nicole Richie sent out for her fateful Memorial Weekend party. You know the one that ended with Mischa Barton going to the hospital. WTF, no girls over 100 pounds? That just goes to show you how shallow and sad she really is, she really needs to deal her weight issues already because it is getting harder and hared to look at her.  So how did Karma bite her in the ass and break a tooth because there was to meat to bite into just bone? Well she got into a minor accident at a gas station in Joel Madden's car? You know he is going bad charlotte mood when he sees these pictures that X17 Online took of the fender bender. I guess you can say the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous is not always a good one especially after this weekend.

OMG! Does Nicole Richie really have a belly bulge?
May 28th, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: 1 ]

Do you think Nicole Richie has put on a little weight or do you think she is just bloated? I am going with bloated. 

Nicole Richie demonstrates where the male erogenous zones are.
May 23rd, 2007 under Nicole Richie. [ Comments: none ]

via Gabby Babble
Lionel Richie must be so proud.
Believe it or not that is for E!’s The Simple Life and not HBO’s Real Sex. I might have to watch The Simple Life just to see that episode.
Seriously I don’t know what else to say because that video leaves me speechless.


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