A photo posted by Lindsay Lohan (@lindsaylohan) on
Just when you thought that 2016 Presidential race was ridiculous, the 2020 one is looking even wackier. First Kanye West threw his hat into the ring and now Lindsay Lohan is doing the same. The actress made the announcement on Instragram.
As she noted in her announcement she will have 34 years of life experience by then, only problem is you need to be 35 years to run for the POTUS. So we don’t have to worry of President Lindsay Lohan until at least 2024.
All of this is happening because Donald Trump turned running for the highest office in the United States into such a joke. I wish he would feel guilty about it; but his ego is so HUGE, he thinks his sh!t doesn’t stink.
Lindsay Lohan has been a good girl recently, but a trip to Cavo Tagoo brought out her naughty side. She Tweeted a photo from her villa wearing just her undies. Leaving very little else to the imagination.
Now that she is done with probation, I guess she can be a little more free. You know, since she is free!
Before many people thought Lindsay Lohan was trash, she was literally trash on Late Night on David Letterman. How precious was the 6 year old in that 1992 bit?
Lindsay Lohan has a busy 10 days ahead of her, you know, reportedly she needs to complete her community service sentence by May 28th or she will go back to slammer. To prepare for her busy week, she took an ice bath. As soon as she got in, she was out of there. Kind of like one of those times she went to prison.
If she can’t take the ice, how the hell is she going to handle the heat? We shall see.
Hopefully, she will complete her community service in time.
To say that Lindsay Lohan has been seen in a weird photo or two would be an understatement; and the one she posted this weekend might be the weirdest one of them all.
I don’t even know what it is going on in it and I can’t even begin to comprehend what they are doing. Can you?