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About time….Lindsay Lohan in rehab
February 19th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

Lindsay Lohan has checked into rehab, she said in a statement Wednesday. "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," the star said in her statement. "I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time." A source close to the actress tells PEOPLE: "Lindsay is in a very positive frame of mind and is looking forward to making a positive change in her life." In December, a rep for the 20-year-old actress told PEOPLE that her client was attending Alcoholics Anonymous meetings. Later that month, Lohan revealed that she had been in AA for a year, and said she generally feels better when she's not drinking. "I was going out too much and I knew that, and I have more to live for than that," she told PEOPLE. Prior to December, however, Lohan dismissed critics who said she was partying too often. In November, she told Oprah Winfrey that she is not a party girl, adding, "Is it a crime to go dancing with your friends?" Over the summer, James G. Robinson, CEO of Morgan Creek Productions blasted the star for being absent from the set of her movie Georgia Rule and blamed her "heavy partying" for the behavior. Lohan's mother Dina quickly shot back, saying the media mogul was "way out of line." Lohan was briefly hospitalized at the time for being "overheated and dehydrated," according to her rep.


Hopefully she can finally get the help she needs. 


Dina Lohan is proud of Lindsay for going into rehab
February 19th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]


Lindsay Lohan, 20, has entered rehab, the actress confirmed in a statement, released on Wednesday by her publicist Leslie Sloane. "I have made a proactive decision to take care of my personal health," Lindsay said in the statement, released by her publicist Leslie Sloane. "I appreciate your well wishes and ask that you please respect my privacy at this time." A source tells Star, Lindsay entered L.A.’s Wonderland rehab facility. Shortly after Lindsay’s statement was released, her manager-mom Dina told Star’s David Caplan, "I’m so proud of her. She’s really in a good place right now, spiritually and mentally. She’s in an amazing, phenomenal place. She’s 20 and she’s solid, and she’s doing what she needs to do. I don’t know that many people who are that secure. It’s all about her, and getting back on track. She’s fine — she’s amazingly fine." Good for you, Lindsay! We’re rooting for you! Meanwhile, another source tells Star exclusively that Lindsay checked herself into rehab after an intervention with her family and executives from the movie she’s working on, I Know Who Killed Me. “The movie executives said they had a major issue with getting her insured for the film and threatened to sue her for between for between $3 million and $5 million for the delays her constant absences were causing on the set,” the source tells Star. “Lindsay’s family and other people she works with sat down with her last night and convinced her she had to go into rehab to save herself professionally and personally. She couldn’t afford to have another letter come out about how she was being unprofessional and missing work on the set.” Lindsay has been in a rapid decline, health-wise, since leaving the hospital on January 5, after having her appendix removed, adds the source. “She left the hospital with several painkillers on her; that was her downfall — she was using the painkillers and continuing to go out and drink. She woke up each morning exhausted and feeling sicker than ever.” The source adds that the rehab facility where Lohan is staying — the $1,750 per day Wonderland Center in Laurel Canyon, just outside downtown LA — will allow Lindsay to continue working on her movie during the day. She will check into the facility but will be allowed to leave during the day, and will return to the rehab clinic in the evenings and on the weekend.

Star Magazine 

Maybe Dina should make it a mother daughter thing and join her in rehab? How can any mother be proud of their 20 year old daughter being in rehab, but that is just me.


Lindsay Lohan watching American Idol in rehab
February 19th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

On Jan. 16, Lindsay Lohan entered an outpatient program at the Wonderland Center in Los Angeles, and she opened up to OK! exclusively about her brave decision. “I’m doing so great,” Lindsay, 20, told OK! the evening of Jan. 17. “I’m fine. Nothing to worry about. Thank you so much for checking in. I do appreciate it.” In fact, she added, “I’m actually watching American Idol at the moment and laughing so hard!” OK! explains what made Lindsay take such drastic measures to get her life back on track.

OK! Magazine

Maybe it is just me, but shouldn’t be concetrating on getting herself better instead of doing press interviews?


Lindsay Lohan back to work in 2 days?
February 19th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

There’s nothing freaky about this coming Friday for Lindsay Lohan. I’ve just learned the 20-year-old starlet will return to work in just two days. The doctor treating her appendix problems has given her the okay to resume shooting the thriller I Know Who Killed Me. L.L. plays a stripper suffering from dual personalities after a brutal kidnapping. "All is good," her reps says. "She will be back at work soon." Production was halted at the beginning of the month when Lohan was apparently hospitalized for appendicitis and had her appendix removed. Since then, doctors had not given her the okay to return to work, which includes some rather risqué pole-dancing. On top of her appendix drama, there’s also the rehab thing. Lohan will most likely continue her treatment at night while shooting during the day. Lohan checked herself into the L.A.-area facility Wonderland Jan. 17. Even if she is working again, Lohan won’t be making the trip to party-hopping Park City tomorrow for the premiere of her new movie with Jared Leto, Chapter 27. Her rep says she is staying put in Los Angeles. In other words, life right now for L.L. is all work and no play.

Planet Gossip (story) and Us Magazine (photo)

(sorry about two posts in a row)
At least she said no to going to Sundance. So sad, I just wish she would finally get the help she needs.


Lindsay Lohan’s dad is writing letters to her again
February 19th, 2007 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: none ]

In Touch Weekly (click on the photo to read what he wrote) 
What a weird letter? What I love is how he doesn’t take any blame for what has happened to her? I mean he is jail for beating up her uncle and driving drunk into a pole?

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