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Someone needs to feed Lindsay Lohan
April 22nd, 2009 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 3 ]

Splash News Online
Dang Lindsay Lohan is skinnier than ever. Someone please feed her ASAP or there will be nothing left of her but extensions.


Samantha Ronson’s loss, is eHarmony’s gain!!!
April 14th, 2009 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

Lindsay Lohan and Funny or Die have teamed together to create this very funny video for eHarmony! OMG! Lindsay Lohan the actress is back because that is the best thing I have seen her do since Mean Girls!
Hopefully she will meet her next true love soon via eHarmony which I think she will because she definitely sold herself well in that profile!
xoxo Kim!!!

UPDATE: My incredible contact, Patrick Starzan, at told me the story how this hysterical video that has had over 1,000,000 views in 12 hours came about.

Lindsay contacted us late last week about doing a Funny or Die video with all the stuff that everyone’s saying. Our writers immediately starting pitching her idea. By Friday we had the script written and we shot it on Sat. She was awesome to work with, completely professional with great timing and ad libbed a bunch of lines.

That is just amazing, she needs to be more spur of the moment from now on!
Here is what Lindsay Lohan blogged on MySpace about her eHarmony video:

i just think it’s better to take something negative and turn it into something good… laughter is the BEST medicine 🙂

Amen! It is so true that laughter is the best medicine, I know I get a dose of that as much as possible!


Lindsay Lohan Failarina
March 20th, 2009 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 4 ]

via Dlisted
Wow! Lindsay Lohan’s career has totally gone into the crapper. That has got to be one of the worst commercials I have ever seen. It feels like something that was done for Electric Company and not for a national television campaign for the clothing line she is the face of, Fornarina. Wow, just wow!


Warren Beatty and Lindsay Lohan aren’t shacking up
February 26th, 2009 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

(Photo from Splash News Online)
Are Warren Beatty and Lindsay Lohan living together? Well according to Fox News 411 that might be the case, but not in a sugar daddy sort of way…

He has something, because Beatty is apparently dangling a new movie role in front of the irrepressible Lindsay. But it has some strings attached to it.

What I’m told is that Warren, the smartest guy in Hollywood, bar none, wants Ms. Lohan to come live under his roof — at least one of his guest roofs — while he shoots this movie.

And wait, you’re wondering, what movie is this? Beatty is said to have a script he wants to direct and star in, with La Lohan possibly playing his daughter. (If it’s his love interest, well, I’m not going there and I’m sure Warren isn’t either.)

Hopefully LLo will take him up on his offer and Annette Bening will feed her because she is beyond skinny. Even her boobs are starting to deflate.

UPDATE: FOX 411 posted this story today, so I sounds like he was way off on what he reported.

From yesterday: Is Warren Beatty making a new movie? Is Lindsay Lohan going to be in it? Did Warren really ask Lindsay to come stay in his house? Let’s put it this way: I may have go stay with Warren and Annette at this point! Knowing Beatty, until his next film is in the theatres, anything and nothing is possible. As Harvey Keitel likes to say when things get sensitive: "Keep off the grass." To all the bloggers out there who picked this up like it was the Second Coming: relax your posts


Lindsay Lohan’s personal blog
December 24th, 2008 under Lindsay Lohan. [ Comments: 1 ]

random thoughts 🙂

i think that people go through a lot in life. and the things that we go through, whatever they may be, simply just make us stronger in the long run… that is, if we actually take what it is we have learned from our mistakes and teach ourselves what NOT to do in the future. i have gone through a lot in my past, and to be completely honest, i am still going through a lot right now.. my father just let my family and i know, amongst others that he had another child after my little sister Aliana, or maybe he had it before Aliana?? either way, he cheated on my mother and that really sucks… MERRY CHRISTMAS!!! wow- do i sound like "debbie downer" or what? not trying to be… but back to the real reason for this blog-i feel like Britney Spears is an amazing talent, and she has gone through a lot, (just as i have) in the public eye.. which is not necessarily a bad thing.. It teaches young girls and boys that there are certain things in life that you should not let get in the way of your dreams and accomplishments. also that you need to take care of yourself before anyone else, and i mean anyone and everyone else. because at the end of the day, you have to look at yourself in the mirror and see who you really are. stripped of all the distractions in life. so YAY Britney for just being you and still following through with your dreams. i know i am a bit late in writing about this record since it came out already, but better late than never!!!! 🙂
I love my mom, aliana, cody, michael, and my nana sullivan!! i will be missing them this christmas as it is the first one i am spending away from home. i am spending it with Samantha in Los Angeles.
yours truly,

There were rumors that the girl that claimed to be Lindsay Lohan's half-sister really was, and now as you can see Lindsay Lohan confirmed it. You have to feel so bad for her. Lindsay Lohan's MySpace blog is really personal and you can see how much she has grown in 2008. Like the person she wrote about, Britney Spears and her have both changed so much for the better. Hopefully in 2009 will both will continue down the same path because this has been the right one for both of them!


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