Lena Dunham went overboard with her latest look. The Girls star dressed up as a Mermaid and I think if a fisherman caught her, he would release her back into the sea.
On that note, imagine if no one unzipped her. She would be stuck on that couch for a really long time. Hint hint.
Us Weekly got Lena Dunham to write down 25 things you don’t know about her and she revealed some things you don’t know about her and some you do. Did you know she likes to eat baby food a lot? Or that she is allergic to artichokes? Or that if she doesn’t sleep until 10a, she gets nauseous?
But #20 is the best one, there she revealed, “I have no appendix, no wisdom teeth and no shame.” I like this one the most because she finally admitted what we all know. Not that she doesn’t have any wisdom…teeth, but that she has “no shame.” I wonder what gave us that idea?
Ever wonder what Spam would look like if someone dressed up as the mysterious meat? You didn’t, but now I think we know thanks to Lena Dunham. The actress shared her moves in a video wearing a just pink body suit and all I want to say is please, don’t wiggle it anymore. I can’t shake this image off. Yet, I find it kind of hypnotizing. So much so, I feel like I have to watch Girls. Help me.
Lena Dunham is directing an episode of Girls and she learned there is a right way and a wrong way to read a script. Reading it with your eyes from a distance, is the good way. Reading it up too close to your eyes, is the bad way. You see, she scratched her cornea that way and had to get a bandaged eye patch of her bad peeper. Thankfully Zoe Kazan worked her magic and no one can tell.
HBO released the first teaser for Girls‘ 5th season and I am wondering if they want people to watch the show or not to watch it. The preview shows Lena Dunham in a sports bra and bike shorts dancing like a male stripper and it is not something people want to see. I respect her for loving her body, but that doesn’t mean we want to see it all the time and dancing like that. Although, I think we should be happy that at least she is wearing clothes.
Does this make you want to tune in to Girls in January?