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The Kids in the Hall come alive when Death Comes to Town
August 20th, 2010 under Kids in the Hall, Reviews. [ Comments: none ]

The Kids in the Hall are back in front of the camera for an 8-episode mini-series on IFC starting tonight at 10p doing what they best, making us laugh!
The quiet town of Shuckton, Ontario is about to come alive when Death Comes to Town. The Grim Reaper is there to take someone and he starts with the town’s mayor. Well technically him, but really he has someone else do his dirty work for him and now the town wants to know who killed their beloved town leader. The five Kids in the Hall play various characters in wigs, fat suits and in women’s attite all to tell the story of why death has come to town. The characters include the mayor’s wife, two female reporters battling it out to be the lead reporter, a 600 pound man who hasn’t left his house since his teens, a coroner who does something interesting with the mayor’s body, a town abortionist and lawyer who won’t let his poor cat die to name a few. During the next four weeks the lives of the people of Shucktown will all intertwine and at the end of it they will all come to together and we will all find out who killed the mayor. By the time we learn the truth we will have laughed at things we shouldn’t have, find out Dave Foley is really a beautiful woman and that the Kids need to be back on series TV.
I seriously didn’t realize how much I missed The Kids in the Hall until I watched this hysterical 8-hour mini-series. They have an unique way of telling a story and they will constantly have you laughing at all the things they do in a way only they can. So whether you are like me and have missed seeing these 5 guys together or this will be the first time you have experienced them, you will want to make sure to watch The Kids in the Hall: Death Comes to Town tonight and for the next 4 Fridays on IFC at 10p.


BTWF roles: Neve Campbell in Kids in the Hall
July 20th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous, Kids in the Hall. [ Comments: none ]

Before Neve Campbell was trying not to get killed in Scream, she was the killer in Kids in the Hall. She looks exactly the same now as she did when she was 18 in that 1992 show, but with shorter hair.


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