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Is this K-Fed’s secret weapon to get his kids back?
February 19th, 2007 under K-Fed. [ Comments: none ]

Britney Spears has been telling everyone who’ll listen how much she is enjoying the single life since her November split from Kevin Federline, but insiders tell In Touch exclusively that the mother of two has been living a secret life of wild sex long before her marriage ended. Rap music producer Omar "Iceman" Sharif, who is a friend of Kevin’s, tells In Touch, Britney was into threesomes and girls. He says Britney would often invite a bunch of girlfriends over to the couple’s house to party. An insider who knows the couple well says that over the course of a night, Britney would often disappear into a bedroom with her girlfriends. Sometimes it was three girls, and sometimes there were more like six, the insider says. I heard about her being with girls at least 20 times while they were married. A friend says that Kevin plans to use tales of Britney’s secret sexual exploits and drug use in his battle for custody of their sons, Sean Preston, 17 months, and Jayden, 5 months. She has told Kevin more than once that she is sexually attracted to women and men equally,� says the pal. He wants to show that she�s not such an angel after all.

In Touch Weeky

I don’t think he has to go down this road, I think all he has to do is bring all the pictures of her after their divorce as proof she is not the most fit mother. I mean there are the no underwear pictures and the staying out and partying until the wee hours in the morning and so on.


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