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How amazing does Jericho look tonight?
March 7th, 2007 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

“Heart of Winter” — Jake and Stanley find themselves fighting for their lives when they run into several dangerous strangers on a hunting trip, on JERICHO, Wednesday, March 7 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS
This is one of the best shows you are not watching! So please watch it so CBS will give it a second season!!!


Another risky road trip on Jericho tonight!
February 28th, 2007 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

"Black Jack" — As winter approaches, Jake and Johnston are joined by Dale and Heather on a trip to a trading post several hours outside of town in search of equipment to fix the local windmill, on JERICHO , Wednesday, Feb. 28 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS.


After last two episodes where they showed what happened before the bombs went off and added some new cast members who survived a plane crash I am interested to see where the show will be going tonight!


Jericho is back on CBS tonight!!!
February 21st, 2007 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

OMG! I saw tonight’s episode 3 weeks ago and I can tell you is it is f’ing amazing! Tonight’s episode takes place before the bombs went off and it answers a lot of questions and asks a whole bunch more! I was blown away (no pun intended) by how captivating tonight’s episode is. If you never seen the show, tonight is a good time start!
So tune in to Jericho on CBS at 8p!


Jericho back on CBS 3 weeks from tonight
February 19th, 2007 under Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

On “The Day Before,” parts of Jake and Hawkins’ pasts are revealed during a flashback to 36 hours before the bombs went off, Mike Kelley wrote the episode which was directed by Matt Earl Beasley. Jake is in San Diego trying unsuccessfully to make an honest living, while Hawkins’ mysterious past is furthered by his association with a woman named Sarah. Emily’s fiancé, Roger, heads to Chicago for a job interview that Emily is not happy about. Meanwhile, in the present day, refugees including Roger and Sarah arrive in Jericho bringing more questions with them.


OMG! I saw this episode over the weekend and all I can say is wow! I don’t want to spoil it because it is sincerely one of those episodes you have to see. But what I will say is that it does answer a lot of questions, but it also asks a whole bunch more! So tune in Wednesday, February 21st to CBS to find out what I am talking about!
If you want to catch up with this great show before it spring season premiere, you can do so at CBS’s Innertube!


The Grim Reaper to guest star on Heroes and Jericho next month?
February 19th, 2007 under Heroes, Jericho. [ Comments: none ]

Michael Ausiello is reporting that a character will die on Heroes on March 5th and in either March or April someone will die on Jericho. Now I am curious to know who because that is all the details he gave. Let the guessing games begin…

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