Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Jane the Virgin
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Jaime Camil has my vote forever whatever he wants!
June 17th, 2016 under Jane the Virgin. [ Comments: none ]
One of the biggest reasons why we keep tuning into Jane the Virgin is because of the sexy and lovable Jaime Camil. He not only makes every scene that he is in, he also makes the show.
So it would make sense that The CW would push for him to get an Emmy nomination. While most actors are using their bodies of work to get the nom, Camil is just using his body. He has my vote for Sexiest Supporting Actor in a Comedy or for Supporting Actor in a Comedy which is what NATAS calls it.
Hopefully the people who vote in that category will feel the same way and they should.
While we are at, I am wishing that the comedy’s narrator Anthony Mendez not only gets nominated again, I wish that he will bring home the gold statuette this year. Seriously, Mendez probably has one of the funnest jobs in Hollywood. At least it sounds that way in every episode.


Gina Rodriguez is looking not so Jane the Virginal!
May 4th, 2016 under Jane the Virgin. [ Comments: 1 ]

Now that Jane the Virgin is done filming for the season, Gina Rodriguez decided to get the hiatus haircut. Over the weekend, she gave a sneak peek of it, by showing us the chopped off ponytail, she’s donating to Locks of Love, and then a photo with a long bob.
But that was just a preview, today she debuted the new hairdo. I can see everyone at The CW freaking out about it. That’s because she shaved the lower half and the top is long enough to just put in a ponytail. Something so unlike her sweet and controlling character that earned her a Golden Globe.
It will be interesting to see what it looks by the time the show comes back in September. Worse comes to worse for the show, I am sure they will add extensions. Or maybe they will have her do a Felicity and let her keep it like that.
I am not saying the cute cut looks bad because it doesn’t. I am just saying it is so unlike Jane the Virgin.
What do you think of it?


Proof Jaime Camil is a huge teddy bear!
December 7th, 2015 under Jane the Virgin. [ Comments: none ]

Jaime Camil is a big teddy bear on Jane the Virgin. Turns out if you see him hugging one that is even bigger than him, you just want to hug him even more. Seriously, can he be any cuter than he is in this photo?
We will just have to tune in to Jane the Virgin tonight at 9p on The CW to find out.


Gina Rodriguez looking not so Jane the Virginal
November 18th, 2015 under Jane the Virgin. [ Comments: 1 ]

When we watch Gina Rodriguez on Jane the Virgin, we don’t see a lot of her. Recently the Golden Globe winner did a photoshoot for Cosmo for Latinas and she revealed more than she normally does. Even though she looks absolutely gorgeous, it was “difficult” for her to do. Why? As she explained, “As many women can understand because I am showing more skin then I am used to. As a woman with hashimotos, my struggle with health and weight and body acceptance in this industry has been a loving, painful, growing, exposing, vulnerable and incredible journey. And to come to a place where I love the skin I am in and it isn’t defined by anyone’s expectations or limitations is beyond freeing. I love this picture because I feel like young Gina finally made herself her own hero. #loveYourSkin #enoughToday #AllGrownUp”
Just when you think that you cannot love this sweet and smart star anymore than you do, she says something as inspirational as this. I think that more of today’s actresses should aspire to be like her.


BTWF roles: Justin Baldoni in Spring Break Shark Attack
November 2nd, 2015 under Before They Were Famous, Jane the Virgin, Justin Baldoni. [ Comments: none ]

(starts at 5:12 in)

Before Justin Baldoni was dealing with the deadly Sin Rosto on Jane the Virgin, he was dealing with blood thirsty sharks in Spring Break Shark Attack. He looks the same now as did when he was 20 in that 2005 telemovie.


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