Hayden Panettiere’s hair is like her height…short! |
April 23rd, 2010 under Hayden Panettiere, Heroes. [ Comments: none ]

Hayden Panettiere debuted her new short do and now the 20 year old actress looks twice her age. I am assuming when she doesn’t have any makeup on, she probably looks like a teenage boy. I am not sure why the Heroes decided to chop off her hair, but if it is anything like when she got her hair cut to a bob, she will just wear extensions when she gets bored of it or goes back to work on Heroes!
Here is hoping to NBC renewing the show for another season, and if they do killing of the indestructible Claire. Can the cheerleader be any more annoying? Seriously to me her hair is as stiff as her acting.
Caption Hayden Panettiere! |
July 8th, 2009 under Caption the Celeb, Hayden Panettiere, Heroes. [ Comments: 1 ]
Seeing Hayden Panettiere with her mouth opened wide like that on Alexa Chung's show like that has Caption Me written all over it, so go ahead and do it.
Hayden Panettiere wears a doily |
July 6th, 2009 under Hayden Panettiere, Heroes. [ Comments: 1 ]
I know Hayden Pannettiere is young and proud of her figure, but I just don't think she has the right body or 'tude for a dress like that. I wish she would more clothes with more fabric as compared to less. Especially in a ugly old woman's dress like that.
Is Hayden Panettiere a brat on the Heroes’ set? |
March 10th, 2009 under Hayden Panettiere, Heroes. [ Comments: 1 ]
Hayden Panettiere aka The Cheerleader is rumored to be bringing the troubles of her break up from co-star Milo Ventimiglia aka her Uncle Peter Petrelli to the Heroes set with her according to OK!
“She refuses to be on the set at the same time as him,” the pal tells OK!. “She is making it difficult for everyone involved.” (Her rep denies this).
As for Milo, “He’s not going to play any games or stoop to her level,” says the friend.
That is why they say you don't date where you work. I guess Hayden thought she was mature enough to be dating someone 12 years older than her at 19, but when it comes to breaking up with him she is acting like a 12 year old…that is if the rumor is true.
Hayden Panettiere is smoking |
March 8th, 2009 under Hayden Panettiere, Heroes. [ Comments: 8 ]

Splash News Online
Hayden Panettiere is smoking. Not smoking hot, but smoking. Doesn’t she know that will stunt your growth…oh wait…
She is still young, so she can quit that habit easily. Hopefully she will because it is so disgusting to smoke.
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