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Even protestors know the power of Baby Shark
October 24th, 2019 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

There was a mom and her toddler in Lebanon who got caught in traffic due to protestors and her boy was scared of all the people and noise. His mom, Eliane Jabbour, asked if they could keep it down so her boy would not be afraid. Instead, they surrounded the car, sang and acted out Baby Shark to him. He had no idea what was happening, but he remained calm among the madness.

We know Baby Shark as an earworm that makes us want to scream, but it is also a universal song that can make even the worst of situations better.


Would West Side Story be Cool with an *NSYNC song?
September 12th, 2019 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]
Lewis Wake is at again, this time he changed up the music for a dance number from West Side Story. Instead of them dancing to Cool, they are doing a Jazz number to *NSYNC’s It’s Gonna Be Me. Boy, boy, crazy boy, how much better it works with the newer song than the original show tune.

Maybe Steven Spielberg wants to consider switching up the songs in his remake. Could you imagine? It can’t be any worse than what he is going to do with it.

BTW to see them dancing to the original tune, then click here!


You’ll never watch Seven Brides for Seven Brothers the same way
August 5th, 2019 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]
Over the weekend, Bitsie Tulloch retweeted a video from some guy called Lewis Wake, that brought me so much joy. He took a scene for Seven Brides for Seven Brothers and removed the song that they were dancing to. Then he replaced the showtune with Run-DMC’s It’s Like That. My mind is blown because the old school rap song worked better with line dancing performance from the classic musical.

It was a mic dropping moment, so you would think he would stop there. He did not. He then tried the Ke$ha and Pitbull’s duet Timber and it worked perfectly. So much so, I want him to remix the original movie with modern songs.

He did not only work his magic on this film, but he also did it with several other cinematic scenes that involved music. What he does it so amazing and what we need today, that I just had to share with you just like the Grimm star shared it with me via Twitter.

Didn’t it make you smile?

BTW if you have never seen the 1954 feature, then to watch the full Barn Dance click here!


Those Cats are Hustlers
July 22nd, 2019 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Last week, was a week chuck full of trailers. The biggest two were for Jennifer Lopez’s Hustlers and the musical Cats.

Someone brilliantly noticed that both of them had a lot things in common, so they merged the two of them to become one. If you thought the Cats trailer was scary on its own, wait until you see it with the other movie.

Maybe they should combine both films into one since they are both about dancing pussies! Forget Avengers: Endgame, Hustling Cats would be the biggest movie of all time.


Can Matt Stonie eat $700 worth of Pop Rocks in one sitting?
March 20th, 2019 under Awesome Videos. [ Comments: none ]

Matt Stonie has not done an eating challenge in 5 weeks, so he wanted to something explosive for his return. Therefore, he bought 350 bags of Pop Rocks, put them in a bowl and attempted to eat them like cereal.

How did he do? At first, it was fun as he heard the candy popping in his mouth. Then, after a few minutes, he realized he made a big mistake. By the time the clock struck 30 minutes, he admitted he was defeated.

The competitive eater didn’t even get a 1/3 of the way through it and he has no regrets about not completing it. In fact, he was going to pay someone $700, what he paid for all of those bags, to do it; but it was so awful, he could not do that to another person.

At first, I was craving Pop Rocks when I started watching this challenge. By the end of it, I swore off of them for good.


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