Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Can you beat this Guinness World Record?
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[ # ] Can you beat this Guinness World Record?
July 3rd, 2023 under Guinness World Records

There are a lot of Guinness World Records that the average person cannot accomplish. However, there is one that over 150 people think they can beat the current record holder.

What is it? It is The Fastest Time to Drink a Capri Sun. Andre Ortolf sucked one up in 10.41 seconds in December. And it looks like his record won’t hold because the applications are coming in to beat his time.

Don’t feel too bad for him. He has over a dozen other records in the book.

Now back to the record. I want to try it. But then again, I would think of it as sucking up the last tapioca ball in a Boba tea. I can get those suckers up in no time.


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