Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Can Matt Stonie eat $700 worth of Pop Rocks in one sitting?
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[ # ] Can Matt Stonie eat $700 worth of Pop Rocks in one sitting?
March 20th, 2019 under Awesome Videos

Matt Stonie has not done an eating challenge in 5 weeks, so he wanted to something explosive for his return. Therefore, he bought 350 bags of Pop Rocks, put them in a bowl and attempted to eat them like cereal.

How did he do? At first, it was fun as he heard the candy popping in his mouth. Then, after a few minutes, he realized he made a big mistake. By the time the clock struck 30 minutes, he admitted he was defeated.

The competitive eater didn’t even get a 1/3 of the way through it and he has no regrets about not completing it. In fact, he was going to pay someone $700, what he paid for all of those bags, to do it; but it was so awful, he could not do that to another person.

At first, I was craving Pop Rocks when I started watching this challenge. By the end of it, I swore off of them for good.


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