Seriously? OMG! WTF? » BTWF roles: John Larroquette on Sanford and Son
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[ # ] BTWF roles: John Larroquette on Sanford and Son
August 25th, 2011 under Before They Were Famous

Before John Larroquette was starring on sitcoms like Night Court, he was starring in a sitcom that guest starring on Sanford and Son. He looks the same now as he did when he was 27 in that 1974 episode, except with better hair and no mustache!!!

Side note: I have always loved that episode of Sanford and Son and recently watched it again on AntennaTV and was amazed that they showed a part of Burbank that I drive by all the time. It is incredible how much it has changed and yet remained the same 37 years after they shot that episode. You might recognize that area of Burbank from The Tonight Show which tapes in that area every now and again. That restaurant Chadney’s is still there, but it has been closed since I moved here. And after all these years, it looks like they are finally opening it up again! Just a little factoid that interests me.

(starts at 3:13 in)


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