Seriously? OMG! WTF? » BTWF roles: Adam Baldwin in My Bodyguard
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[ # ] BTWF roles: Adam Baldwin in My Bodyguard
January 18th, 2010 under Before They Were Famous

Before Adam Baldwin was Casey, the spy who liked to kill people on Chuck, he wasn’t much of a fighter in My Bodyguard. He looks exactly the same now as he did when he was just 17 in that 1980 movie…expect now he has shorter hair!!!

So here is a Before They Were Famous first, I actually got to talk Adam Baldwin about this role before I posted it. I was going through the Chuck cast to do a BTWF as many of them as possible and I had Adam’s already to go, but before I posted it I ran into him at the NBC party at the TCA Winter Press tour day, so I was able to ask him about it!

When I asked him what it was like to work on his first movie My Bodyguard, he had this to say, “Well the movie My Bodyguard gave me the career, a lease on life, that I had no idea was coming my way, so I feel very lucky and blessed to have been part of it. Especially to be put under the care of guys like Tony Bill and Don Devlin, who was Dean Devlin’s father, the late great Don Devlin, who invited me into a wonderful movie…I guess I wouldn’t be standing here today without those guys. So lucky!”

When I told him I would be showing the above scene where he is getting beat up as compared to his character Chuck where he is the strong guy, he said to me, “Well then I was just a kid. Now I am man! I’m 40, man! I’m a man!” And at 6’4″ he is definitely a man. And in person there is no doubting that he is the man, a strong, good looking man!

BTW if you have never seen The Bodyguard, rent it now! It is one of those great movies that you can watch over and over again and it is forever timeless. On a personal note, this was my grandfather’s favorite film, so actually being able to interview someone that was part of it and to talk to them about it meant so much to me. So I can’t thank Adam Baldwin enough for doing that!
And next week you can read about what he told me about the show is doing now…Chuck that airs every Monday at 8p on NBC!!!


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