Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Britney Spears latest supporter…Mel Gibson
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[ # ] Britney Spears latest supporter…Mel Gibson
December 18th, 2006 under Britney Spears/KFed, Mel Gibson

Mel Gibson feels sorry for Britney Spears – because she’s never left alone. The actor – who was arrested for drink driving in July and launched into an anti-Semitic tirade against the Jewish police officer who pulled him over – understands her frustrations at constantly being followed by paparazzi. He said: "I feel compassion for someone like Britney. She never gets a moment. She’s, like, dogged all the time and followed and she’s trying to have a life. "Your heart goes out to her because I’m positive that, at her core, she’s a good woman." Since filing for divorce from husband Kevin Federline last month, Britney, 25, has been spotted out partying on several occasions with new best friend Paris Hilton. She has also been criticised heavily for being photographed not wearing any underwear with her private parts exposed.

Monsters & Critics

Having him support you is like having the seal of dissaproval.


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