Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Boy George trash day announced
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[ # ] Boy George trash day announced
July 31st, 2006 under Boy George

Singer Boy George will report for community service Aug. 14 – cleaning New York’s dirtiest streets under the steamy summer sun, the Daily News has learned. The androgynous British pop icon was sentenced to garbage cleanup duty after he pleaded guilty in March to falsely reporting a break-in at his Little Italy loft last fall.The crooner – who asked "Do you really want to make me cry?" in his 1982 hit "Do You Really Want to Hurt Me" – will be issued a shovel, broom, plastic bags and gloves when he reports to the Sanitation Department’s District 3 headquarters for five days of street cleaning, department spokesman Vito Turso said.Culture Club fans interested in a Boy George sighting might consider heading to Chinatown – one of the most likely assignments for the singer, whose real name is George O’Dowd."A lot of tourist traffic means a lot of street litter," Turso said. "This is the epitome of community service. It’s not like he’s going to be working in an air-conditioned office."But O’Dowd also might wind up in Little Italy, Nolita or parts of the lower East Side, neighborhood areas also included in District 3. "They go where we could use the assistance most – high-traffic areas need a lot of street sweeping. We also send them to vacant lots and to sweep sidewalks," Turso said.

NY Daily News

I am so bummed I will not be in NY when he is cleaning up the city. 


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