Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Boy George cleans up Manhattan
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[ # ] Boy George cleans up Manhattan
August 14th, 2006 under Boy George

Boy George begins his 5 day community service sentence with the  New York City Department of Sanitation in Lower Manhattan. I decided to caption what he is saying, please feel free to add your own thoughts!

 So far this is easy, I can do this.


You want me to do what?


Wow, I have an audience. I am just going to sing and dance for them. Do you Really Want to Hurt me? Do you Really Want to Make me Cry?…


They love me, they really really love me! I feel like it is 1984 and I am still with Culture Club.


When will this city get over Taboo? Yes it was trash, but why do I have clean up trash? Why couldn’t I just do a free concert? Is lying to the police such a bad thing? Well at least that guy for the Deaprtment of Sanitation is cute!

AP and Reuters 


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