Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Billie Piper interviews the real Belle on Showtime tonight
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[ # ] Billie Piper interviews the real Belle on Showtime tonight
January 25th, 2010 under Showtime

A few months ago I read that Billie Piper was going to interview the real Belle (Dr. Brooke Magnanti), the woman that her hit show The Secret Diary of a Call Girl is based on, but at the time it was only going to air in The UK and I was really bummed. I was so upset, I was going to ask my friend to watch it for me and tell me all about it. Then I got an e-mail from my contact at Showtime and she told me that they are going to air it before they launch the third season this darling show (which is my favorite one so but more about that next week when the new season premieres.) and I got all excited…but not in a Belle type of a way. I can’t wait to learn about the real Belle and her life as a call girl. Seriously how interesting is it going to be to hear her story. BTW didn’t they do an amazing job casting Billie Piper as Belle considering we only recently found out who the real Belle is? So tune into Showtime tonight at 10p for what should be a tantalizing interview!
And make sure to keep your TVs on Showtime at 10:30p for the premiere of Tracey Ullman’s State of the Union where she will introduce some new characters this season like Mrs. Bernie Madoff and Candy Spelling.


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