Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Babyshambles’ The Blinding will be released on December 5th!
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[ # ] Babyshambles’ The Blinding will be released on December 5th!
November 8th, 2006 under Pete Doherty/Kate Moss

Amid the cancelled tour dates, arrests and subsequent court appearances it’s nice to get some news from Babyshambles about their music. The band are due to release a five song EP entitled The Blinding in the US on December 5th. Babyshambles bassist Drew McConnell described the title track as being as “about the vacuous nature of tabloid newspaper attention. No matter how intelligent and strong you think you are, it still affects you.” Speaking of which, lead singer Pete Doherty has been fined 750 pounds for assaulting a BBC reporter in March. During the hearing, Doherty refered to the victim as part of the "harassing scum of press," prompting Magistrate Helen Skinner to respond: "Referring to the press as scum does no one any favours. You were obviously courting publicity judging by your somewhat extravagant behaviour outside the court. People in public life have a responsibility to behave and be a good role model to others."

Filter Magazine 

I can’t wait to hear this, you know it is going to be all weird and sh!t!


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