Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Are you impressed by this World Record for parallel parking?
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[ # ] Are you impressed by this World Record for parallel parking?
November 19th, 2014 under Guinness World Records

Han Yue entered the Guinness Book of World Records yesterday for the tightest parallel parking record with a car. On Friday, the Chinese Wheelman was able to park his Mini 3 Door Hatch 8 cm (3.15″) from the cars he parked between.
While watching him spin his way into that space was really cool, I would be more impressed to see him do that in Manhattan. Anyone who has parallel parked there knows you can squeeze your even closer to the other cars than 3.15″.
And I would be even more impressed if the person who got the title was a woman. Women, we need to show up these men and prove to them we can be more than YouTube jokes when we try to park. Ladies, who is with me?


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