Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Anna Nicole wants to bury her son next to Marilyn Monroe
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[ # ] Anna Nicole wants to bury her son next to Marilyn Monroe
October 10th, 2006 under Anna Nicole Smith

Sources tell ET that ANNA NICOLE SMITH is considering burying her late son, DANIEL, in Westwood Village Memorial Park Cemetery beside the crypt of MARILYN MONROE. The reality star has been compared to the iconic beauty and even once lived in a former home of Marilyn’s. Although Anna Nicole is still in the Bahamas and her young son’s body remains in the islands awaiting burial, family members, including his father, BILLY SMITH, attended a memorial service at a local church on Saturday in Mexia, Texas. It was on September 10 that Daniel, while visiting his mom and his baby sister DANNIELYNN in Nassau, tragically died in her hospital room of what turned out to be a lethal combination of prescription drugs. Meanwhile, the paternity battle continues over newborn Dannielynn: both Anna Nicole’s lawyer and committed partner, HOWARD K. STERN, and photojournalist LARRY BIRKHEAD claim to be the little girl’s father. Birkhead has hired celebrity attorney DEBRA OPRI, who filed court papers on his behalf in L.A. Superior Court last Monday to establish paternity and custody of the child. Last Wednesday, Opri made a public plea on behalf of Birkhead for the former Playboy Playmate to bring her daughter to Los Angeles to have a paternity test done. "If you are so certain that Larry Birkhead is not the father, then you have nothing to lose by … allowing a paternity test; it is the proper thing," Opri said after a private hearing in L.A. Superior Court, which is scheduled to continue on October 26th. Although Opri did not discuss details of the closed-door hearing, she added that Anna Nicole should understand Birkhead’s position because she "knows what it is to be a parent" and what it is like to "love and lose a child." Anna Nicole’s attorney, RON RALE, reacted to Opri’s statements, calling some of them inappropriate. He says he wants to protect the privacy of all parties, and in response to Opri’s saying Stern is now stating legally he is the presumed father, Rale says, "I will not discuss what was or was not said in chambers, but I do not believe Ms. Opri should make such comments to the press."


This just gets weirder and weirder? I wonder if Katie Holmes and Anna Nicole Smith are on the same brain numbing drugs making them submissive to crazy men?


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