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[ # ] A Houseless House?
October 25th, 2007 under Lisa Edelstein/Hugh Laurie/House

Hugh Laurie has not been on the set of House since yesterday afternoon according to Variety. In the same breath that they are saying are not to worry about it they are kind of hinting we should be worried about it?

With little advanced notice, Laurie left Los Angeles for the U.K. Thursday night. That immediately started buzz that something was going on — perhaps Laurie was unhappy?

"Hugh had family obligations in England to attend to, but production is continuing in his absence," a rep for show producer Universal Media Studios said, adding that, per producers, Laurie "asked for time off and they were happy to facilitate it."

But, as one industry insider noted Thursday, it's not often that a star of a hit show — who's in virtually every scene of every episode — decides to just leave in the middle of production. Adding to Thursday's mystery is that producers of the show were oddly tight-lipped, instantly referring media inquiries to publicists.

His people say he will be back on the set by Monday, so let's hope they are right. I am not sure I could handle a Houseless House or no House at all and let's hope that Hugh Laurie was going back home for happy event.

With Novemeber Sweeps starting it also very rare that leads are given time off and in fact they work extra hours to make sure they get all the episodes done to their best. But then again if the lead says I need to go home or I am out of here, I am sure they will compromise. 


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