Seriously? OMG! WTF? » A Grey’s Anatomy insider responds to Katherine Heigl’s diss!
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[ # ] A Grey’s Anatomy insider responds to Katherine Heigl’s diss!
June 13th, 2008 under Shonda Rhimes

(photo from WireImage)
A Grey's Anatomy insider responded to Miss Needs to Get Over Herself Katherine Heigl's diss words towards them. ICYMI Katherine Heigl said she is not putting herself up for Emmy consideration because the writers did not write anything for her to be considered for.Ouch.
So the insider responded to Entertainment Weekly why they were not able to write stuff worthy of her ego.
“The show bent over backwards to accommodate her film schedule, and then she criticizes the show for lack of material?" the insider said. "It's an ungrateful slap in the face to the very writers responsible for her Emmy win in the first place.”
That makes her even more of a bitch than she already comes off as. I thought they stopped writing for her because she can't act and when she is on she is so annoying you want to change the channel. But in reality the writers were actually catering to soon-to-be-over movie career.
I hope they writers take their frustration out on her and barely write anything for her next season and that the producers make her suffer and not drop her from the show and don't give into her wants and desires. She lost that right for being such an ungrateful bitch! 

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