Seriously? OMG! WTF? » These passengers were so right!
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[ # ] These passengers were so right!
July 8th, 2008 under Awesome Videos

In a time when airfare is twice its normal price and they are charging us for every little thing like each bag of luggage we check, I can’t blame these passengers for booing the crew for showing up over an hour late. If the crew is suppose to be there at 9:45p for a flight, they should not delay the passengers for over an hour because they are late especially at that hour. Man I would boo the crew too. American Airlines, the one who are nickel and diming us the most, should not only apologize to the passengers but they should all get a free flight and fire everyone on that crew that was late. You can’t blame the passengers for getting so hot under the collar when it is so hot in Miami this time of the year, no matter how much they cool off the airport you can still feel the heat. Plus they are New Yorkers and we don’t put up with that crap!!!
Finally how sad that they added insult to injury by having their bags go to the wrong airport.
Watch a longer version of the story from WNYW.


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