Seriously? OMG! WTF? » Bill Murray gets his own documentary!
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[ # ] Bill Murray gets his own documentary!
September 7th, 2018 under Bill Murray

If someone asked you, who is one of the coolest actors in Hollywood, almost all of us would say, Bill Murray. He takes the greatest selfies with fan, does the most original interviews and he just seems like the guy you totally want hang out with for day because you know it will be a once in a lifetime experience.

We are not alone. Directed by Tommy Avallone, Executive Produced Glen Zipper, and Producers Max Paolucci, Derrick Kunzer, Raymond Esposito and Kevin Sisti Jr. are telling the story of the infamous urban legend. The man of mystery that everyone who meets him has a story to tell.

Therefore, they are telling his story in The Bill Murray Stories: Life Lessons Learned From a Mythical Man. According to Variety, the film will have a limited release on October 25th and will be available to stream the next day.

I have a feeling this is the type of documentary you are going to want to watch more than once.


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